User Periods Setup Video & Time Period Definitions
How to Add User Periods
in the Desktop Client

Please note that many ERP production databases already contain calendars that are used by the Synoptix client.  In this case, user periods do not need to be added.  If you add user periods to the Synoptix client they will override any calendars that already reside in your production database.

Time Period Calculation Definitions Used in Reports
Calculations allow you to select a range of dates for balances. For example, you may want the current month’s information, or you may want a year’s worth of information.

Note: The discussion of calculations below is based upon a standard 12 month calendar that begins on January 1st.

MONTH: Will select all of the data from the beginning of the month through the end of the month regardless of the day of the month that the report is run for. For example, if you run the report for 06/15/09 and you have selected the current month (MONTH with Adjustment of 0), you will get data from 06/01/09 through 06/30/09.

MTD: Will select just the data from the beginning of the month through the day of the run date. For example, if you run the report for 06/15/09 and you have selected MTD with an adjustment of 0, then the calculation would return data with dates between 06/01/09 and 06/15/09.

YEAR: Returns data with dates for the entire year that the report was run for, assuming an adjustment of 0, regardless of the day or month that the report was run for. This calculation functions similarly to MONTH in the fact that it will return dates that might be beyond the actual report date.

YTD: Will return data for the beginning of the year through the date that the report was run. This functions similar to MTD.

Note: Extra care must be taken when using YTD comparisons between years because the YTD calculation derives a date by counting days between the base year (adjustment of 0) beginning date and the date the report was run. It will then use that number to count forward to a date in years other than the base year. Generally, this is not a problem, except when a leap year is involved and the report date is after February 29th.

YTD THROUGH MONTH: This calculation will return data from the beginning of the year though the end on the month specified. With the use of this calculation, you are required to enter two adjustments, one for the year and the other for the month. The year adjustment will simply adjust the year as you might expect. The Adjustment will adjust the month only up or down. For example, if you want to return data for the current year from the beginning of the year through the end of last month, you would set the year adjustment to 0 and the month adjustment to -1.

Note: Generally, this is the calculation that you will use when comparing year to year data.

QUARTER: Works similar to MONTH, except that it returns all data from the beginning of the quarter through the end of the quarter.

QTD: Will return data from the beginning of the quarter through the day of the date that the report was run. Unlike the MTD, the QTD will adjust to the proper month within the quarter as well.

Note: Extra care must be taken when using QTD comparisons between quarter because the QTD calculation derives a date by counting days between the base quarter (adjustment of 0) beginning date and the date the report was run. It will then use that number to count forward to a date in quarters other than the base quarter. This can have unexpected results if the numbers of days in the comparison quarters are different.

QTD THROUGH MONTH: Returns data from the beginning of the quarter through the end of the month specified. This calculation works much like the YTD THROUGH MONTH. Please see the discussion on YTD THROUGH MONTH for additional details.

ABSOLUTE QUARTER: The quarterly type of calculations that have been discussed above are all rolling quarter. In other words, that actual quarter that is returned is based upon the report date. In some reports, you will want the quarter to be absolute. For example, you may have a need to have the quarter set as the 1st Quarter regardless of the date of the report. This is the function of ABSOLUTE QUARTER. When using this, you will select the quarter using the drop down and the adjustment will adjust the year the quarter is in. The quarter set to 1st Quarter with an adjustment of -1 will return all of the data for 1st Quarter of the previous year.

ABSOLUTE MONTH: The monthly type of calculations that have been discussed above are all rolling months. In other words, that actual month that is returned is based upon the report date. In some reports, you will want the month to be absolute. For example, you may have a need to have the month set as March regardless of the date of the report. This is the function of ABSOLUTE MONTH. When using this, you will select the month using the drop down and the adjustment will adjust the year the month is in. The month set to March with an adjustment of -1 will return all of the data for March of the previous year.

ABSOLUTE THROUGH MONTH: Is similar to ABSOLUTE MONTH, except that it will return data from the beginning of the year through the month specified. The adjustment works the same as ABSOLUTE MONTH.

YTD ACTIVITY THROUGH MONTH: This is a calculation that is primarily used with an Accounting Cell and will not include beginning balances in the calculation.

YEAR BEGINNING BALANCE: This calculation is primarily used for Accounting Cells and only returns the last day of the previous year.

YTD BEGINNING BALANCE: Returns just the beginning balance for an Accounting Cell.

WTD: Similar to MTD, this calculation will return data from the beginning of the week through the day of the week that the report was run.

Note: The beginning of the week is always assumed to be Sunday.

WEEK: Will return data for the entire week similar to MONTH.

DAY: Will return data for a single day.

USER DATES: When the USER DATES calculation is selected, the person running the report will be prompted to enter two dates. Those entered dates will be used for the calculation dates.

ROLLING CALCULATIONS: Note that these only apply in operational reports
Rolling year will create a window of time for the ‘year’ up to the report run date, the past 365 days based on the report run date

Rolling month will create a window of time for the ‘month’ up to the report run date, the past 30 days based on the report run date
Rolling week will use a window of time for the ‘week’ up to the report run date, the past 7 days based on the report run date

This guide applies to Synoptix versions 7 and 8

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